Audio: A Guided Meditation on Feeling Fully & Being Free
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Audio: Crushes and Crushed – Feeling Fully & Being Free
A dharma talk & guided meditation, by Brooke Teisui McNamara Sensei, at Community Practice on July 7th, 2024. You are unauthorized to view this page. Please sign up for one of our membership subscription plans.
Audio: Working with Obstacles to Aliveness
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Audio: The Heart of Practice in the Face of Death
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Audio: A story of ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’
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Audio: Engaging Koans: “Bring Me The Rhinoceros”
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Audio Dharma: Teachings of the Buddha (and others) that express how non-dual wisdom functions in this moment in this unique life
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Audio: Guided Meditation with Butsudo Sensei
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Audio: Love Itself: Dharma Talk by Teisui Sensei
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